

China is the birthplace of tea, and it is also the first country to harvest and quote tea, and tea has a long history in China. Tea tasting is an art, a profound art, and an art that needs to be immersive.

A cup of tea can taste life, but different people have different lives. In the same cup of tea, the professor tastes a philosophical life, the painter tastes a colorful life, the musician tastes a rhythmic life, and the poet tastes a rhythmic life. A cup of tea may seem simple, but it takes some effort to get the real taste done.


“Burning incense and calming the air, Ye Jia rewards, boiling the mountain spring alive, Mengchen Mulin, oolong entering the palace, hanging the pot high chong, the spring breeze blows, rewashing the mountain face, Ruochen out of the bath, the jade liquid back to the pot, Guan Gong patrols the city, Han Xin points the soldiers, the three dragons protect the tripod, appreciate the three colors, like to smell the fragrance, the first taste of the strange tea, the dragon plays in the water, and the cup of tea is grateful” This is the famous Wuyi tea ceremony. If you can do all eighteen dishes every time you taste tea, then you can really taste it thoroughly.

可是这是一般的人很难做到的,所以说品茶是一门艺术,一门高深的艺术。 茶的品种很多,而且每一种都有不同的味道,可以品味出不同的人生哲理。苦涩的苦丁茶能品味出先苦后甜的人生,香甜的兰贵人能品出幸福美满的生活,淡香的雪茶能品出平凡朴实的生活。
However, this is difficult for ordinary people to do, so tea tasting is an art, a profound art. There are many varieties of tea, and each one has a different taste, so you can taste different philosophies of life. The bitter bitter tea can taste the bitter and then sweet life, the sweet Lan nobles can taste a happy life, and the lightly fragrant snow tea can taste an ordinary and simple life.


The tea text first appeared in “Erya”, it flourished in the Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty, which shows how long its history is, and how many people have tasted it with their hearts throughout the ages. But is it bitter or sweet, hard or smooth, vulgar or noble? I think that when Tao Yuanming “picked chrysanthemums under the east fence and saw Nanshan leisurely”, he may also be drinking tea to taste his hermit-8like life! And when Hou Zhu Li “asked how much sorrow you can have, just like a river flowing eastward”, was he also drinking tea and tasting the helplessness of life?

茶可以代表清净无为的道家、修身治国平天下的儒家、苦佛悟性的佛家。饮茶不仅是人的饮食需要,而且是超出物质生活之上的一种精神需求,一种文化享受,一种高雅情趣,一种理性意识,一种修生养性的自我修养过程。 人生就像一个大剧场,上演着悲欢离合与爱恨情仇,一杯茶能将它品尽,并能品出另一种味道,让我们正视人生的酸甜苦辣。
Tea can represent the pure and inactive Taoist, the Confucianism of self-8cultivation and the rule of the world, and the Buddhism of the bitter Buddha. Drinking tea is not only a dietary need, but also a spiritual need beyond material life, a cultural enjoyment, an elegant taste, a rational consciousness, and a self-8cultivation process. Life is like a big theater, staging joys and sorrows, love and hatred, a cup of tea can taste it all, and can taste another taste, let us face the ups and downs of life.






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